

  「我想探討一下香港與其他大城市的分別...像紐約倫敦有文化產業,南韓有高科技電子產品,香港卻沒有,只靠金融市場催谷出財富...」  「你係咪想講創意工業?」

3 則留言:

方秋林 說...


匿名 說...

Dear 李慧軒 女士,

Hmmm, lets not blame 讀蘋果日報 as the source of the problems too quickly. Now, I am not defending 讀蘋 blindly as 讀蘋 is bad for so many other reasons.

What I will blame more is this "作者從課堂學到的學術名詞". Your colleagues may have been poisoned by the elitism embedded in the shinny "學術名詞". Thinking that by spitting out impressive sounding "學術名詞" they learned from classes or read from books or journals, their articles are automatically becoming more insightful. Confusing the "學術名詞" they use to how insightful they actually are.

You wrote, "言詞似乎精警", I think you are giving them more credit than they ever deserve. I don't think it is even "似乎", those "言詞" are probably not "精警" at all. :)

Ha ha, "實在有如小學時應付常識科老師的專題剪貼習作。" You are probably right on this.

I want to thank you for writing this article and bringing back some fond memories of my time as the editorial director of my school's Chinese student newspaper. We distribute about 6,000 copies per issue in Toronto. Our first issue was published in August of 1989 and the issue title was 自由何價 -- 中國民主運動

Our full page cartoon 某年某月某日 still brings tears to my eyes.

李慧軒 女士, your time may be different. But I bet there are things you and your colleagues can write or draw that some day, may be 20 years down the road, may still bring tears to your eyes. If not, you need to ask yourself are you digging deep enough or writing about important topics?

Please understand it gives me no, absolutely no, pleasure in writing the following. I truly write it with a heavy heart but it has to be said. I truly wished I have much more time (hours) to fine tune the following words so they may come out nicer, more diplomatic and more tactful.

Here it comes. Many apologies in advance.

I want to shame your colleagues at the 學生報 to reflect and do a much much better job. You see, spitting out "行貨" full of shinny "學術名詞" is a total waste of your time at the newspaper. They might as well quit the newspaper and do something else. Watching movies, reading books, or shopping are some good suggestions in how to spend their time.

Believe it or not, Hong Kong's future are in your hands, the youth of Hong Kong. The time to develop and build a clear mind with a social consciousness is now, when you are in the University, before you have to worry about paying rent or mortgage, or taking care of families, etc.

And Hong Kong are in your generation's hands. So far, this old man is NOT impressed and very disappointed with what I have read in the news and seen on TV.

OK, enough of unfair and unfounded critiques from me. I don't live in HK. How HK will turn out in the future is out of my hands.

I wish you and your colleagues well.

Your old and silly,

P.S. Re-reading my comments, I am probably unfair in many places. Feel free to correct me. I want to hear what you and your colleagues think after they read my silly and probably unfair comments.

hevangel 說...
